Sunday, February 26, 2012

What wouldn’t Jesus Do?

By Ade
                 What wouldn’t Jesus Do?

At 3am on Sunday morning, I was just sitting down listening to a teaching on the kingdom of God and suddenly, I started thinking about those once popular bracelets. Oh, come on you remember the WWJD bracelets don’t you? Don’t feel bad neither do I, but I have spoken to people who owned a few or where familiar with them.
Based on the concept, I believe the creators of the WWJD bracelets had good intentions, but no one knows how effective they were. Since they did go out of style it’s safe to assume that for those who did buy them it didn’t meet their expectations. Thinking about the bracelets and the idea behind them caused me to reflect on my own life and the state the church today.
If you turn on your TV, radio, internet, or enter many of today’s westernized churches you will discover many things that Jesus would have never done. 
When you can go into a place and use the same mouth you lied with, cursed out your neighbor with , gossiped about your co-worker with, did explicit sexual acts with someone you are not married to, tear down people you claim to love with and to pervert his word it’s a sad day.
Judges 21:25 In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.
There are many messages being preached over the pulpit today that God never ordained by preachers God never called. We practice far too many rituals that aren’t authorized by God. Most of us aren't totally submitted to God, nor do we acknowledge that we don't own anything, because everything belongs to God including us.

I too am still learning about the importance of learning the kingdom of God and  how to apply God's word to my life, but I have come to learn that this walk of faith is constant. There are no breaks, time-outs, vacations, personal days, days off, weekends, or exceptions to submitting to God's active rule and reign in our lives. When we are wrong we have to be honest enough with ourselvers and others to admit it.
How can we claim that God is in a place that ushers in strife, jealousy, envy, malice, anger, disruption, deception, greed, ignorance, confusion, depression, oppression, racism, classism, sexism, favoritism, hypocrisy, hierarchy, and countless others not mention here?
NLT Ephesians 1:3-4 All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.
 The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors (Luke 22:25).
Luke 22:25-26 (Amp) Jesus said to them, The kings of the Nations are deified by them and exercise lordship [ruling as emperor-gods ] over them; and those in authority over them are called benefactors and well doers. 26 But this is not to be so with you; on the contrary, let him who is great among you become like the youngest, and him who is chief and leader like one who serves.
Jesus was never a racist, sexist, or fascist. I’m pretty sure he would be ashamed of all the Celebrity Idol Pastors, soup opera churches, reality show ministries, Ceo Apostles, dictator Bishops, pimps for prophet preachers, fortune telling prophet-liars, mis-informed missionaries, and crazy hypocritical folks who claim to be his church.
Romans 14:17 for the kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
John 8:32 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him, “If you abide (remain and continue) in my word, you are my (students) disciples indeed. And you will know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 
Jesus wouldn’t divide the world by creating denominations or oppressive religion.
Jesus wouldn’t be a democrat or a republican, in fact he wouldn’t even have a party because there isn’t a political election in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Jesus wouldn’t spend hours doing fundraisers and begging for  multiple offerings or  money from the people in order to build a sanctuary, community center or any other carnal establishment.
 Revelation 5:10 and you have caused them (Man) to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And they (men) will reign on the earth.  
Colossians 2:14-15 He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross.
Jesus might even have multiple Pastors, in fact because there are many gifts in the church everybody would share responsibilities within the community and all would have some level or authority.
After all most of us are leaders in some capacity throughout our lives, whether in the household, family, community, job, business, etc.

Jesus wouldn’t make a mockery of God’s name or church. Nor would he defame and tarnish God’s reputation.

Jesus wouldn’t hurt people he would protect them.

Jesus wouldn’t use, manipulate, scam, hinder, disrespect, discriminate against, show favoritism towards, impair, or degrade people.
Psalms 103:17-18 but the love of Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments!
Jesus wouldn’t be threaten by the gifts and abilities of others or their accomplishment’s.
 Jesus wouldn’t require you to be certified by man or have a theological degree to teach the gospel.
Jesus wouldn’t be welcomed to preach in most of today’s churches because his doctrine doesn’t fit in their company, I mean kingdom, I meant cult. Oops, did I say that out loud?
Psalms 115:16 the heavens belong to the Lord but he has give the earth to man.
The Bible (Constitution of heaven) says that the Father “sent” the Son.     1 John 4:9 NLT God showed how much he loved us by sending his Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.
Galatians 4:4-7 (Msg) But when the time arrived that was set by God the Father, God sent his Son, born among us of a woman, born under the conditions of the law so that he might redeem those of us who have been kidnapped by the law. Thus we have been set free to experience our rightful heritage. You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out, “Papa! Father!” Doesn’t that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child? And if you are a child, you’re also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance.  
I’m sorry, I should have said that Jesus would probably just start shutting down churches like they were car dealerships, factories or unproductive schools. Some of the largest and considered most successful ministries around the world would be forced to stand before the media, all their congregant’s, covenant partners, and peers and confess that they were running counterfeit ministries.
Jesus might even print a list and send it out via social networks, publication, audio and visual media, etc. The headlines would read world’s most notorious pretenders, and the leaders along with the pastors names would be highlighted on the page next to mug shot like pictures of them.

There would only be one church with house groups, conference calls, web meetings, and fellowships around the world. Whenever you said the name church you wouldn’t have to guess which one because there would only be one church. Instead each branch would be identified by region, location, neighborhood  as an extension of the one and only church.

Jesus wouldn't preach clicks, members, corporations, organizations, clubs, or groups. He brought the Colony of Heaven, the Culture of Heaven, the Country of Heaven, and the Citizenship of Heaven. 

Ephesians 2:19 now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God. Ephesians 2:10 for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Jesus would have real solutions to real life problems.

Jesus would not stop until he addressed the needs of his people.
Jesus ministry would uplift and not tear down, It would teach love instead of revenge, it would add value instead of producing worthlessness, and it would give us an advantage instead of taking advantage of us.
 Jesus would change and transform lives for real. 
Jesus wouldn’t just abandon people and leave them out in the cold.Jesus
wouldn't rebel against God, nor would he lie on God.
Jesus wouldn't make up his own philosophies and  theory, or experiment with people’s lives.
Jesus wouldn’t use the name of God to build his own corporation or celebrity brand.
Jesus wouldn’t get caught up in the popular, trendy, people pleasing, egotistical, self serving, self-righteous, paganistic, status toting, product pushing, propaganda filled, money flaunting, demon loving, entertaining, theatrical, sarcastic, eargasmic, superficial, unauthentic, religious extremist, penny pinching, money hungry, capitalistic, corporatism that many pastors and priest
are caught up in today.    
. NLT & AMP John 14:2 There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places (homes). If it were so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you.

Psalm 68:5-6 Father to the fatherless and a protector and defender of the widows is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell; He leads the prisoners out to prosperity; He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. But he makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

AMP John 8:54-55 Jesus answered, If I were to glorify myself (magnify, praise, and honor Myself), I would have no real glory, for My glory would be nothing and worthless. [My honor must come to Me from My Father.] It is My Father Who glorifies Me [Who extols Me, magnifies, and praises Me], of Whom you say that He is your God (Your favorite celeb). Yet you do not know Him or recognize Him and are not acquainted with Him, but I know Him and keep His word [obey His teachings, am faithful to His message].   
The Son (Jesus) was in submission to the Father (God) before he became a man. Yet He was not the servant of the Father.

NLT John 5:19-20 So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything he is doing. In fact, the Father will show him how to do even greater works than healing this man (the lame man at the pool of Beth-es-da) Then you (Jewish leaders) will truly be astonished.    (c) Febuary 2012    TM

Saturday, February 25, 2012

In The Beginning

By Ade
Before there was a Pastor, Minister, Apostle, Evangelist, Bishop, Elder, Preacher, Deacon or Missionary there was God. Before there was a pulpit, altar, tithe, offering, choir, church service or brick and mortar building to fellowship and worship God in there was just God and man in the garden of Eden. The four common themes I noticed in the book of beginnings where Order, Boundaries, Purpose and Reproduction or seed baring fruit. In (NLT) Genesis 1:11 Then GOD SAID, “Let the land sprout with vegetation every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. THESE SEEDS WILL THEN PRODUCE THE KINDS of plants and trees FROM WHICH THEY CAME.” AND THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED.
In (NLT) Genesis 1:16-18 God made two great lights-the larger one to GOVERN the day, and the smaller one to GOVERN the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, 18 TO GOVERN the day and night, and TO SEPARATE the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
In (NLT) Genesis 1: 21 So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water, and every sort of bird-each PRODUCING OFFSPRING OF THE SAME KIND. And God saw that it was good.
In (NLT) Genesis 1:24-25 Then GOD SAID, “Let the earth produce every sort of animal, EACH PRODUCING OFFSPRING OF THE SAME KIND-livestock, small animals.” AND THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED. 25 God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, EACH ABLE TO PRODUCE OFFSPRING OF THE SAME KIND. And God saw it was good.
So far we have seen examples of God setting his Order, establishing Boundaries within the creative purpose of each thing he created and the original purpose is revealed. Here is another example of the first mentioning of purpose and the original intent of God .
In (AMP) Genesis 1:26 Then GOD SAID,” Let us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and LET THEM HAVE COMPLETE AUTHORITY OVER the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and OVER ALL OF THE EARTH, and over everything that creeps upon the earth. Mankind was given a corporate trust to manifest Gods will throughout the earth while God remained actively ruling and reigning in man’s life.  In The NLT version of the same verse 26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. THEY WILL REIGN over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”
This particular verse along with the previous ones really confirms what the original intent of God for man really is (AMP) Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and SUBDUE IT [ USING ALL ITS VAST RESOURCES IN THE SERVICE OF GOD AND MAN]; and HAVE DOMINION over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth. In the NLT version of verse 28 it says ” Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth AND GOVERN IT. REIGN OVER the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry the ground.”
Here is an example of God’s relationship with man as he intended before the beginning of time. A picture perfect relationship in constant fellowship with man enjoying each other’s presence. In (NLT) Genesis 3:8 When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD GOD walking in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. 
In Genesis 2:16-17 and Chapter 3 Describes what man lost after committing treason against the Kingdom of Heaven by disobeying the King's (God’s) command. God is so merciful and his love for man is unconditional, in that in his sin God pre-arranged a backup plan to restore what he lost. The evidence of this truth is highlighted in Genesis 3:15-16 which by the way is the first prophetic mentioning of Jesus coming to earth. 15 And I will cause hostility between you (Satan) and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He (Jesus) will strike your head, and will you will strike his heel." 16 Then he said to the woman, "I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And YOU will desire TO CONTROL YOUR HUSBAND, but he will RULE OVER YOU.    
God still desires this simple expression of love, submission and gratitude towards him. (NLT) Genesis 4:7 You will be accepted if you DO WHAT IS RIGHT. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! SIN is crouching the door, eager to control you. But YOU MUST SUBDUE IT and BE ITS MASTER.”
(NLT) Genesis 4:13-14 Cain replied to the Lord, “My punishment is too great for me to bear! 14 You have banished me from THE LAND and from YOUR PRESENCE; you have made me a HOMELESS WANDERER. Anyone who finds me will kill me!”  When I read this verse it blew my mind. To see Cain after murdering his brother who feared a specific kind of loss, not of his brother but of being banished from THE LAND God      Provided and GOD’S PRESENCE. Cain understood the quality of life, stability, peace, and protection that came from being in the land where God is Lord (owner) and present. What he failed to embrace and incorporate into his own life was what God considered to be right or righteousness.
Quote by Dr. Leonard Robinson: Jesus said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…”Seeking the Kingdom and God’s righteousness is seeking the active rule of God in your life and His character which empowers the believer to walk in the full righteousness of God in perfect alignment with his will just as God ordained. The righteousness of the Kingdom is the life of God, His way of doing and being right. Living the righteous life is living the life God ordained for man from the very beginning when He created mankind in His own image and likeness.
Quote by Dr. Leonard Robinson: When you seek God you will find Him and when you have the opportunity to experience the transformation that always comes from being in the presence of God Our Father you will desire it always. If you seek Him with your whole heart, He will not leave you wanting, wondering and wandering. God will accommodate your search. He delights when you hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Jeremiah 29:13 NIV “You will seek me and find me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.
Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye FIRST the KINGDOM OF GOD and His RIGHTEOUSNESS and all these things (material things the Gentiles seek) will be added to you.” 
 Did you know that those who God considers blameless or righteous walk in close fellowship with God? (NLT) Genesis 6:9 This is the account of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he WALKED in CLOSE FELLOWSHIP with God.
Another thing that really stood out to me and caused me to be excited, was when I saw the relationship of God to man as father. In (NLT) Genesis 5:3 When Adam was 130 years old, he became the FATHER OF A SON WHO WAS JUST LIKE HIM-IN HIS VERY IMAGE. Now if you recall when we read (NLT) Genesis 1:26a it stated Then God said, “Let us make human beings IN OUR IMAGE, TO BE LIKE US.  Did you notice the similarities? I thought you would!              
Last but not least how we live our lives can either please God and fill his heart with joy or break his heart. God requires us to live Godly, Holy, and pleasing and acceptable before Him. (NLT) Genesis 6:5-6 The Lord observed THE EXTENT of HUMAN WICKEDNESS ON THE EARTH, and he saw that everything they THOUGHT or IMAGINED was consistently and totally evil. 6 So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. IT BROKE HIS HEART.
Quote by Dr. Len Robinson: Friends, don’t seek God for things. Seek God for the transformation that comes from having discovered the power of submission to His active rule and reign in your life. The results is that you can truly live the righteousness that Jesus died for you to receive. Walk in the gift that righteousness is and you will be able to walk in the dominion that was at the first, the Kingdom, which has been restored to you.  (c) Febuary 2012     TM

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Countering confusion-ism and the influence of religious oppressor’s

By Ade

Well meaning men have fallen in love with their philosophies and supplemented the truth of the kingdom with theory, legalism, and tradition, witchcraft
 , religious superstition, and ritualistic practices. Many of today’s church leaders are more like capitalistic Ceo's and campaigning politicians then Sons and Daughters of God.

Ephesians 2:19 now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God.

Ephesians 2:10 for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

I am ashamed of what the church has become and greatly grieved in my spirit however, I understand that I too was once mislead. I like many others allowed my lack of understanding to fool me into believing that I was unqualified to question the error of theologians, scholars, and leaders with tenure.

Over time, I also integrated the popular or most accepted version of the gospel full of  tradition, rituals, and the philosophies that have become Christianity. It amazes me that although we may claim to be Christ-like proclaiming the label of a Christian, our actions and perversion of the gospel has created a cult like atmosphere instead. The good news is this people are now realizing that religion just doesn't work.

In fact there is a global hunger problem of spiritual malnutrition effecting the world and Christians worldwide. The Holy Spirit is exposing the great error and confusion that exist in the incomplete doctrine of false prophets preaching an incomplete version of the gospel. The great revival that the world has been waiting for is the revelation of the kingdom of God in spirit and in truth.

John 14:6 Jesus said to (Thomas) I am the truth the way (to the Father), the truth (The revelation of God's kingdom, and the life (he is the communication of God's original purpose and plan for man to us). No one comes to the Father except through me.  (c)  Febuary 2012   TM