Wednesday, May 9, 2012

40 days of Kingdom Part 2 (9 through 20)

By Dr. Leonard Robinson

Kingdom Truth# 9 of 40 days of Kingdom:

The New Birth has now positioned you as sons, daughters, kings, priests, ambassadors and citizens in the Kingdom, in whom the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily.

You have been restored to your rightful place in God's image and likeness, the fullness of dominion having been made yours once again, this time through the 2nd Adam, Jesus.

Through the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness you now reign. Therefore when you walk in the Spirit you are walking in the power of the King and the Kingdom. When you walk in the flesh you descend from the lofty state to which I have exalted you and you function only as mere (unchanged) men again.

The force of the Kingdom is found in your right standing, holiness and the Spirit. Stay in the Spirit where the full reality of the Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy. Its your New Birthright!

Kingdom Truth# 10 of 40 days of Kingdom: Acts 1:3

The Kingdom of God is the milk of the Word. Its the message Jesus gave to babes and those babes because of having the right foundation, grew so strong that today we are still talking about Jesus (Luke 10).

If we start where Jesus started (Kingdom) and see Him as the model, message and pattern for life and ministry we will discover the fish He caught, He first taught them the Kingdom, and at his resurrection, spent another 40 days speaking to them of the things pertaining to the Kingdom.

The order of religion has reversed the order of the Kingdom. Religion makes the Kingdom "another" subject. Jesus made the Kingdom the initial focus, and from that basis the people went forth preaching the same gospel Jesus preached. Now its incumbent upon those who are called to leadership to be teachable because God needs them to restore the order that religion distorted.

Scribes, Pharisees and Hypocrites ruled the day, even as today they do the same. There are those who say they are Apostles and are not. And there are those that are false Prophets who prophesy peace when there is no peace and they prophesy falsely, prophesying out of the imaginations of their hearts, just as there are Pastors that are fleecing the flock.

Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, Bishops and overseers, heed this admonition:

To restore the order that religion distorted, its going to be necessary for you to now learn the Kingdom of God, the central message of Jesus. You are the front line of leadership and therefore have to be the front line of truth. The Kingdom is not "a" truth. The Kingdom is the highest order of truth for the Kingdom is the realm from which God has ordained all that He has purposed for man.

Kingdom Truth# 11 of 40 days of Kingdom: Acts 1:3

God's purpose in your life is to restore you to the original purpose He has for mankind and that is that you would walk in His original image and likeness again. You have been restored to the dominion that was at the first, the Kingdom and you are now called to serve not only as a son/daughter, but also as an ambassador, a representative of His government. The Holy Spirit is here, present now as more than just a comforter. He is the Spirit of Truth and the one who lives in you and abides with you forever, now having the responsibility to lead you and guide you into all truth and show you things to come.

The secrets of the Kingdom are revealed by the Spirit to those to whom its been given for them to know the mysteries of the Kingdom. Once you discover the power of what you have been made to be a part of, you absolutely cannot go back to that weak and beggarly element, most definitely not the weak and beggarly element that marks Christianity as we've known it.

You are a nation, a holy nation and a royal priesthood and the blood of Jesus has washed you from your sins and made you to be unto God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, a nation of Kings and Priests.

Submit to the Sovereign, active, royal rule of God in your life and be the holy nation of Kings and Priests, the royal priesthood, partakers of His divine nature, enjoying dominion again. My Father who is your Father, is with you.

Kingdom Truth# 12 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

Some people are scared to look and really seek to see the Kingdom that has been hidden here in plain view. They are afraid that the reality of what they find will be so vastly different than what they thought they had already found that they can't stand to face the fact that they have been wrong for so long.

Matt. 6:33 Seek ye [first] still means first. So if you haven't stopped but only persisted in your brand of religion than you have yet to line up with His Kingdom. Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, Bishop, Elder it makes no difference. Jesus mandate was not titles and religion. His mandate was Kingdom. Added to the fact that there are those who are scared to look and really seek to seek the Kingdom, there are also those who its not given unto them to know the Kingdom.

Sad but true, Jesus will let you remain dumbfounded at parables you don't understand, and all because its not given to you to understand the Kingdom. Therefore to those to whom its been given, then know God doesn't want you focused on the Kingdom as just another subject, or a topic for debate. No He wants you to possess the Kingdom and present this same Kingdom to the nations of the world. Its your assignment because He has given you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom and to whom much is given much is required.

Kingdom Truth# 13 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

Your assignment is not man-made. Your assignment is of me. I chose you and ordained you. Enter into your season of fruitfullness. I have again ordained that you would go and bring forth fruit. Your greatest season of productivity is the result of you having served with me in the preaching of my Kingdom and compelling man to come into that which you have found.

I am sending you forth, yes as lambs among wolves, but fear not for I am with you always, even unto your own death for my righteous cause. I have set the bar for your accomplishment for I am the standard and pattern for your life and ministry.

Walk in humble submission to my Father's rule in your life, you living just as God ordained in His image and likeness, and you will be victorious in the assignment I have given you.

I will never leave you or fosake you and my Father will provide for you as you make His Kingdom and Righteousness your number one priority.

Kingdom Truth #14 of 40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:3

You have been handpicked to carry my message of the Kingdom and salvation to the nations of the world. The power you receive will enable you to overcome fear, walk in love, and have a sound mind (wisdom).

I have gifted you for acts of service. Walk in the Spirit, manifest the gifts I have given you, and the fruit and thereby fulfill my Father's will for your life.

The Kingdom is life and your [manifested] citizenship is proof of its' authenticity. Live daily as the son/daughter God has called you to be. Be the conduit of His glory and set others free.

Kingdom Truth# 15 of 40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:3

DrWill RelationshipDr
Once you find your purpose AND use what you already have to begin to do it, GOD will give you the power and provision to complete it. No power is allotted from GOD to do what YOU want to do. Power and provision are only given to equip you to do what you were destined to do.

Kingdom Truth# 16 of 40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:3

The biggest key to personal success is, find out what you are here for and be about the business of doing it. Everyone who is Born Again, everyone who is a follower of Jesus, is here for helping others to be Born Again.

You are here to preach the message Jesus preached and to be a conduit of God's glory as you serve in the ministry and word of reconciliation. You have been predestined to walk in good works. Let the Word and the good works you've been predestined to walk in come together and you will discover what you are here for.

Kingdom Truth# 17 of 40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:3

Now that the Kingdom has come and I have spent 3 1/2 years teaching, preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom, and have delegated authority to you to do the same, the promise of my Holy Spirit coming to you will be fulfilled so that what you did under my command while I was with you, you will now do because through my Holy Spirit we will dwell in you.

What we did together in the preaching, teaching and demonstrating of the right now presence of the Kingdom in ministering healing and deliverance to together while I was with you, will now be in you.

I did not come just to save you from your sins but I came to establish the Kingdom within you that my Father's governoring rule would not just be upon you but would also be the means by which you would have dominion over you as I have had dominion over me because I am submitted to our Heavenly Father.

Take to heart the work that I came to do and enjoy again that dominion that Adam had at the beginning, and now you carry this message of the Kingdom and me its Christ to the nations of the world and you will be fulfilling the divine purpose for which my Father has called you, and called me to you.

Kingdom Truth# 18 of 40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:3

Every person Born Again (after) the cross has my (Jesus) Spirit in them whereby they can now call on God as their Abba (Source). We have a divine connection now with my heavenly Father which guarantees that if you do what our heavenly Father says, living submitted to the sovereignty of His will for your life, allowing God to use you to extend His Kingdom throughout the earth even as He has used Me to bring you to Him, then God will take care of you.

I am going to ascend to my Father. Its your assignment now. I (Jesus) am counting on you to transform this world. I will be working in you as my Holy Spirit will also be at work in you, but the Father will be there too, causing you to reconcile man back to Himself in the same way He was in Me reconciling man back to Himself.

You will not be alone in this assignment because the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in you. The abundance of God's grace the the gift of righteousness you now have through me is enough to enable you to reign even as I have reigned in the earth.

Remember, I told you that you cannot serve God and mammon (this world or its system), but that you are to serve God at all times. Life is just as I told you before I went to the cross. I said to you that the Gentiles seek things and they worry about what they are going to eat, drink and what they are going to put on.

Do not forget what I told you when we were together. I said, "take no thought" right? I told you that you are to seek first God (our Father's) Kingdom, that realm, that sphere in which our Father actively rules in and through your life, and seek His righteousness, His way of doing and being right, you acting just like our Father in attitude, character and actions and everything you have need of will be supplied to you.

Remember when I wanted to feed the multitude thatt had followed me in the Seminar on the Mount. Remember how you guys were negative and wanted me to send the people home but I had compassion and wanted to feed them instead? That was the righteousness of the Father working through me as I was yielded to Him just as I am always yielded to Him.

This is what I am talking about when I say make God's Kingdom and righteousness your number one priority. What did the Father do for me? Do you remember? Because I trusted in Him and in Him alone when you brought to me the ladd's 3 piece fish dinner and bisquits, though it seemed to be only enough for the ladd, when I thanked our Father God for the little that was there and I blessed it, pronounced over it that it was able to feed us all, what happened? Miraculously we were able to feed 5,000 people and 12 basketfulls and fragments were left over, remember that?

To be successful at your assignment to turn the world upside down as you preach that my Kingdom is present and that I am the only means of salvation for man, you must also practice what I have taught you and know that it will work every time.

I will talk with you again tomorrow but today, think about the promise I have shared with you. That if you take no thoght and trust God implicitly and live according to His way of doing and being right, everything you have need of will be supplied to you.

Kingdom First!

Kingdom Truth # 19 of 40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:3

Matthew 6:33
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.

Our awesome God is calling us to make His Kingdom and righteousness our number one priority. When we give heed to His commandment this awesome God will magnify Himself and do for you what no one could ever do. He will transform you from the inside out. It will be like being Born Again, again. God is awesome. Make His Kingdom and righteousness your number one priority and discover your purpose, identity and divine destiny. God is awesome!  Kingdom Truth  40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:8

The Kingdom is the everlasting eternal [why] of faith. Without understanding the Kingdom of God we don't know as we aught know, the things God wants us to know the most.

Faith without understanding the Kingdom of God is almost like having faith without a destination. Faith connected to the {Kingdom} and it's King also connects me to my purpose, identity and divine destiny. Who in their right mind, when they have found this treasure, would want to be anywhere else doing anything else but what the King has ordained?

You are called to live the Kingdom driven life daily, connected to me the vine even as I am connected to my Father. As the Father is so is the Son. As the Father is, you are to be also. Kingdom First!

Kingdom Truth# 20 of 40 Days of Kingdom - Acts 1:3

My Father is calling you to a high responsibility as His sons recreated in His image and likeness. The power of the Holy Spirit that will come upon you will be an extension of the power and authority our Father has given me. You beheld my majesty the glory I received of the Father and now it is yours.

Do not be moved by what people say or by what they do to you for my name's sake. To advance the Kingdom will require you to stand before Kings and declare my Kingdom.

The assignment will not always be comfortable. We are at war against the strategies of the adversary. His chief strategy is ignorance. As long as he can keep people from understanding who they really are, and he can keep them ignorant of the presence of my govrernment he can keep them enslaved even though delivered. He will never let them discover true freedom.

You will have much work to do. There will be people who are lame that will need healing. There will be those who are blind that will need to recover their sight, spiritually and physically. And there will be those who will persist in their religion suppposing that they are serving my Father. They will often times boasts that they are Abraham's seed. Pay them no attention even as I haven't paid them any attention for if they were Abraham's seed they would have believed Me.

Now know that I am sending you against religion not against men. Your assignment is to preach to them the Kingdom and teach them about me and remember, I told you earlier that everything I have commanded you is what you are also to command them. After all, we are developing a nation and every nation has a culture.

Now sinners may be resistant, but remember sinners never really gave me any problem. Many of them were my friends. Your biggest opposition is going to come from those who are bound in religion.

You did not see me rebuke and chastise sinners, only those who practiced religion. Follow me, act like me, love everyone, compell the sinner to repent of their sin, but when it comes to those that practice religion, particularly in my name, you charge them sharply to repent and receive my Kingdom. I did not bring them a religion. You know by now, I brought a Kingdom to which you are all children of my Father but you are also Ambassadors.

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