Thursday, April 26, 2012

40 days of Kingdom (1 through 8)

40 days of Kingdom
By Dr. Leonard Robinson

Just in case you missed them (1 through 8) - be blessed.

Kingdom Truth# 1 of 40 days of Kingdom:

The Kingdom of God is the active rule of God in the lives of mankind, wherever that rule is acknowledged. Without the active rule of God in mankind that have submitted themselves to God, man is being ruled by another god. Wherever God rules man is called to serve God. Wherever man does not permit God to rule, man is then serving another god, even serving another god in the Church, often times mammon or covetousness, greed, wealth and power which is a demon principality.

Kingdom Truth# 2 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

Wherever man is submitted to the sovereign God, man becomes free from this world system and walks in the Spirit as an heir and joint heir with Christ, able to experience the benefits of their Kingdom citizenship now, as they fulfill the responsibility of their assignment to extend God's government throughout the nations of the world. The blessing of freedom comes with a responsibility to free others.

Kingdom Truth# 3 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

Jesus did not come to bring a religion or a denomination, or any non-denominational group. He came to bring a government of peace, a government of order designed to free everyone who comes into it. The coming of Jesus preaching "Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand" was the entering in of another government. against the governments of this world. Jesus was establishing a new way of thinking and being for anyone who would be like a child, follow Him and keep His commandments.

Kingdom Truth# 4 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

Worrying marks the person who has not discovered the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Worry robs the Believer of the experience of God's provision for their needs. Worry and fear work together to keep the Believer from ever becoming as effective as God has purposed. Living beyond worry is a choice and act of surrender to the care of God, and a necessary requirement of God for every Believer who claims to be a follower of Jesus. Remember this; don't take thought and walk in love because perfect love cast out fear, and God didn't give you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Live the Kingdom driven life daily and the Father will show off his care for you.

Kingdom Truth# 5 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

The Kingdom of God represents the reestablishment of order in your life, under the rule of God; that place of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. To be out of the Spirit and in the flesh is to be in denial or rebellion to the order that the Kingdom represents in your life. Its a Kingdom of peace, power and provision. Stay in the Spirit.

Kingdom Truth# 6 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

What God has called you to do, He sent Jesus as the pattern example of life and the ministry God has given you.

By keeping His commandments you are keeping your part of God's kingdom covenant with those who belong to Him. His part of this Kingdom covenant is that He will provide all you need that pertains to life and godliness. Your obedience produces God's provision.

Submission, humility and childlikeness in a continual obedience are what the Father requires to manifest His glory in and through you continuously. Pay the cost of living the Kingdom driven life and anointing God has called you to.

Kingdom Truth# 7 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

The Kingdom of God is the single source of God's purpose for man. It is not just the act of God ruling in the hearts and minds of those who submit to His will, but the Kingdom is also the realm in which man finds his purpose.

Everything that God has ordained for man to be and everything He has ordained for man to do is found in the realm of the Kingdom. What the King decrees becomes law. When man discovers what God has decreed concerning him, then man can be all that God ordained from the beginning. The struggle is over. We now live God's purpose and fulfill our potential.

Everything God has ordained for man here and hereafter is contained in the Kingdom. Discover the Kingdom and discover your purpose, identity and divine destiny. Fulfill your potential! Its all Kingdom.

Kingdom Truth# 8 of 40 Days of Kingdom- Acts 1:3

You must develop a Kingdom mentality if you are going to walk as the sons of God. You must go beyond salvation into Kingdom living. You are not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

You cannot live successfully in this life on God's terms and still operate from an un-renewed mind. Renew your mind to your Kingdom purpose and citizenship and live from a Kingdom reality, the result of developing a Kingdom mentality.

When you begin to think from a position of righteousness and son-ship your faith will work automatically because walking in love is no longer an issue. Having a Kingdom mentality is not a mental exercise. I am not talking about mentally embracing certain spiritual truths. I am talking about the entire renewal of your way of thinking so that you begin to think from the perspective of a king and a royal priest. In other words, you no longer think from a denominational perspective or the perspective of your group, but you begin to think of yourself the way God thinks of you and you begin to function from the supernatural realm from which God has positioned you.

Living from a Kingdom perspective requires you to live from a Kingdom mentality so that you can live according to your Kingdom citizenship, a citizenship only obtained from God by you, based on the finished work of Christ and your knowledge of God that has now made you a partaker of His divine nature.

~ Dr Leonard Robinson

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