Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven:

Jesus Christ came with one message for mankind: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand [Matt 4:17]. It was/is His Doctrine that amazes us to this very day [Mar 1:27] and it is that message that so infuriated the chief priest and scribes and frightened the kings (little k's).

Jesus came not preaching a religion - any religion. He came teaching and preaching the Gospel of The Kingdom of Heaven [Luk 4:43], God working with Him confirming the word with signs and wonders [Hbr 2:4]

Thus the central message, the main message in our B.I.B.L.E. – is about a King, His Kingdom and His Royal Family [we who call on the name of Jesus Christ believing in heart and confessing with mouth that God raised him from the dead.]

We Born-again Believers are joint-heirs with Christ [Romans 8:17] a chosen generation, a Holy Nation, a royal priesthood and a peculiar people [1Peter 2:9] called as ministers of reconciliation [2Cr 5:18]. Jesus came to restore the Kingdom at the first [Gen 1:26] to the delegated authority [Gen 1:27] of the sons of God and to save mankind from sin. [Matt 18:11]

Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord commanded us to live out his #1 priority: “But seek ye first, the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you [Matt 6:33].

You see, God’s original plan was always to extend his heavenly eternal supra-natural kingdom to earth, [Mar 6:10] Thy will be done in earth, as in heaven (leaving out the italic words). God’s original plan was to influence each one of us with the culture and character of heaven [Gal 5:22-23] thus living in the likeness of God walking in the Spirit (and not obeying the lust of the flesh).

The gospel of the Kingdom of God. To be continued.... [Matt 6:33]

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