Friday, April 27, 2012

What is True Change

by Mark Fields

Let’s look at the word CHANGE, the word CHANGE does not mean that you look like something else you become something else. When we transform from the old to the new we must understand that we make and become a new covenant being. When we read the Bible we read it with a Democratic mind set, the bible should be read with one thing in mind. The bible is about a King, his Kingdom and his people. When we read it, we believe that we can take a few scriptures and apply it to our outward lives and it will make a difference in our inward vessel. That’s backwards, we started with the Spirit of God inside us and we need to apply that to our outward life, thus Inside-Out. Jesus came fulfill the law (Matt 5:17-18) Fulfill meaning bring full revelation to the law not seen by the Pharisees and Scribes. Man, although we believe they are doing the will of God we are just “doing” church stuff. Being busy in the church does not mean that you are busy doing Gods’ Will; it just means you are busy. Is there a difference in the will of God, either we are or not in it. We often use sayings like, “Gods’ perfect will and Gods’ permissive will, the permissive will of God is Gods grace. Gods Will is always and always will be perfect. Being in the perfect will of God means OBEDIENCE and we are blessed accordingly, Not, because “When praise go up Blessings come down.” We were born to praise, so how can we be blessed for something we were born to do.
1. Jesus fulfilled the doctrinal teachings of the law in that He brought full revelation.

2. Jesus fulfilled the predictive prophecy of the law in that He is the Promised One, showing the reality behind the shadows.

3. Jesus fulfilled the ethical precepts of the law in that He fully obeyed them and He reinterpreted them in their truth.

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