Friday, February 8, 2013

Do you cherish the Lord?

Do you cherish the Lord? As a child, I loved my parents, but many times I had no desire to do as they instructed because I was not in covenant with them; we were SEPARATE ENTITIES and, though I loved them, I was by no means “in love” with them. On the other hand, as a wife, when my husband requests this or that of me, I do it with joy because I am “in love” with him and I long to please him. I am in COVENANT with him and we are ONE BEING. We know that God is our heavenly Father, but when we only view Him as “Daddy” who will go to great lengths for His children, we can easily disobey when His request is inconvenient to our natural man. However, when we begin to take a step higher into our relationship with Him and recognize Him as our Husband and that we are in COVENANT with Him as ONE BEING, we will more readily long to please Him because we shift to being “in love” with Him. After all, He is in love with us and we are to reciprocate that love through His Spirit. It is shifting our relationship from [Father and child] to [Groom to Bride]. We are to rule WITH Him as one instead of expecting “Daddy King” to do everything. He’s done His part. We are the Bride of Christ. We need to shift higher; to grow up into maturity instead of remaining a proverbial child. We are to utilize the authority that God gave Jesus and Jesus gave the Church – His Bride. This requires kingdom thinking instead of “me” thinking, or worse, religious, traditional thinking. ~A.V. Wolf

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