Friday, February 8, 2013

To be God's Church

To be God's Church we as the Body of Christ are called to be of one mind and one spirit, of one heart and one speech, all speaking the same thing.

Because there are so many varied and divisive doctrinal beliefs agreement is almost impossible to any true degree. You don't really know what the person you are co-laboring with really believes because there are so many voices and everyone believes they are right.

There was a time the Pastor served as the means of instruction to the congregation but today there are many voices that serve as instructors to the Body. Yet all voices are not of God.

There are all kinds of doctrinal beliefs about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (what is that?), about faith, dispensations, even about salvation and who can and cannot be saved, etc...

For this reason, if you are a leader God has entrusted the people to you for one of two reasons. The first is that you are called to provide the instruction necessary that the Church fulfill the mission God has ordained for every follower of Jesus. Secondly, while you may be the one who God has anointed with the Word of the Lord you are still called to be teachable.

There may be people in your midst, within the congregation of saints God has entrusted to you who God has also anointed to bring you enlightenment and help you to improve your service to God and the Body. Equally true however is the fact that there will be those in your midst who are contrary and unteachable believing that they know all that there is to know.

In 2013 as a leader you must require that you all speak the same thing. Agreement is the place of power and God has called for the unity of the saints. The Word of God is the means by which we receive an increase in wisdom and knowledge from God. Its through His Word that we are able to receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. However, in the realm of revelation is also much deception. Mere Bible knowledge alone won't due. You need the Holy Spirit. You need revelation from God but don't get your revelation from the commentaries. That's not revelation, that's natural men trying to have a spiritual understanding about deep biblical truths for which many of them were unqualified to comment.

So leaders....start out right this year. Begin with a forensic study of the Kingdom of God from the teachings of Jesus and while you are at it, read the whole book of Revelations and take particular note to Jesus address to the 7 Churches. There are secrets that will help you see the urgency, power and priority of the Kingdom in our generation.

Seek peace, pursue it and live peaceably with all men as much as possible. But know the Word of God and aim at instructing those that work with you as co-laborers to all speak the same thing. No matter how persuasive an argument or position one takes in the Word of God, you've got to know for certain the things that you speak of and you've got to know for certain what those who speak in Christ steed under your ministry of leadership are saying when they are out on the mission field, ministering in other Churches or even what they privately believe that may require correction. God is holding you accountable for watching over their souls and He holds you accountable for what you teach and what you fail to teach.

Happy New Year All,
Kingdom First!!!

Dr. Len Robinson

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