Lesson 3
The 3rd meaning of the term Kingdom of God is the "actual reign or rule", or better seen as the "active" rule of God. This meaning is the "primary" meaning of the word basileia or Kingdom.
According to this usage which is Aramaic and believed to be the language of the time only those who "receive the Kingdom of God," i.e., accept God's rule here and now, enter into the realm of its blessings in the future. Mark 10:15
When we seek God's Kingdom and righteousness, we seek for God's rule in our lives (Matt. 6:33).
The rule of God entered in at the pronouncement of Jesus when He said "Repent (change your thinking and direction, away from your old pathways even of self-righteousness and sin, to God, rethinking the way you used to think, now turning to God for the good and betterment of your life) for God's governing rule, His royal rule and dominion has arrived.
Mark 1:14-15 Study the word "time" (kairos)
This time speaks to the moment in time where God initiated His governing royal rule and dominion in the life of all who would change their thinking and submit to the rule of God.
Whoever responds via repentance to what God initiates actually frees God to do for them and through them what God has always purposed to do in the life of those who belong to Him to include bless them, heal them, deliver, empower and prosper them.
Those who misunderstand repentance and only see it from a religious standpoint and never discover the mystery of the Kingdom in this process miss God's original agenda, a restored agenda for man.
This "active" rule of God comes about through man's active participation with God's plan for man. God is never at a lost for manifesting His will. God requires man's participation to do so and God measures man's participation by man's obedience.
For instance, God is love. He says in His Word that everyone who loves is born of God. Those who have submitted themselves to the royal law of God are to love as God loves. Failure to do this for whatever reason one may not obey only signals a continual avoidance of submitting to the active rule of God. Failure to submit brings you under another aspect of God's rule. That is, that the way of the transgressor is hard.
Often times hardship is not the result of an attack of the devil but the result of having refused to submit to the sovereign royal rule of God.
This is your kairos moment. Step into the active royal rule of God and experience His control over your life and through your life as you again walk in the dominion Adam had in the beginning. If you will positively respond to what God is initiating God will respond by moving and working within you to fulfill the divine destiny He purposed for you from before the foundations of the world.
This is why the message of the Kingdom has been so hard fought by the devil and by ignorant religious men and women who won't even take the time to study the subject.
More on the Kingdom in the next session.
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