Friday, February 8, 2013

The greatest enemy against man is ignorance.

The greatest enemy against man is ignorance. God said, My (God's) people are destroyed (cut-off) for lack (being destitute) of knowledge.

He went on to say that it wasn't because knowledge was not available. He told them through the Prophet Hosea that they had [rejected] knowledge and for that reason they would be no priest to Him and that there children would even suffer the results of the people's disobedience.

Okay so that was the Old Testament you say. We have more knowledge. We have the Cannon of scripture. We've got 66 books and numerous Bible Schools, Colleges, Universities and Seminaries and multiplied hundreds of thousands of books dominate book stores and personal libraries. We are no longer under the threat of being ignorant and lacking knowledge for now the risk is knowledge overload. We've got tapes, CDs, DVDs and Workbooks, and email, videostreaming, instagrams, Facebook and Twitter. Surely we are ignorant no more you might be saying.

But remember God did not say that knowledge wasn't available. He said that they had [rejected] knowledge and it negatively impacted their priesthood ministry before the Father and their children were adversely affected by this disregard for the truth, for the knowledge of God.

Well there is a principle to be apprehended and comprehended here. "Whenever you reject knowledge God authorizes it impacts the authenticity of your ministry and may adversely affect your lineage." The rule is, whatever knowledge God has authorized we are responsible for receiving and using as a part of our priesthood and the blessing upon our children because of our obedience.

Stay tuned for part two. The knowledge that is missing is the knowledge that has been given but rejected by a vast majority of Christendom and for that reason many are not the priest to Him that they think they are.

We will rejoin this subject again soon. See if you can discover what is missing and why there is such a mis-education of the Christian.


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