A Subjective View of The Kingdom, The Church and Truth
This can be considered subjective, and perhaps I need to grow, but I do not find support in scripture for ecumenicalism as has been practiced under the guise of "can we all just get along." This is where several denominational heads and groups get together usually for some kind and benevolent act that will benefit mankind in some way, or also for fellowship.
One prominent Bishop once stated during his national and international telecast "What unites us is greater than what divides us." To that I said "Amen, Praise the Lord" until the Holy Spirit pointed out to me that there is only [one] Church for which there are to be [no] divisions. I now know that such a Church is a Kingdom Church where Jesus is head and the focus is on the preached message that the Kingdom has come and is yet eternal to come and Christ is King and that we who are followers of Jesus must preach the Kingdom, demonstrate it and teach Jesus as King and the only means of salvation for mankind.
Religion focused on Jesus the Savior, and Him as a [soon coming King] and omitted the right now presence of the Kingdom. And just as preachers have been talking about a "Shift", they are now using the term [Kingdom] without even a hint of understanding or having made God's Kingdom and righteousness their number one priority as Jesus commanded. Pastors when collecting the offering say "Come on saints give, its about the Kingdom." The evidence of such misuse of the term is that they don't have a genuine Kingdom perspective which can only come from a forensic study of Matthew 6:33, and therefore either willingly and knowingly or unknowingly made themselves to be most disingenuous in leading people to believe that we are all speaking the same thing.
From the clergy collars and robes which were pagan in their [reintroduction to the New Testament Church] to the exalting of leaders in a worship of God's servants as though they were the go-between between God and the people, leaders have only created a religion of their own making, in effect rebuilding the very religious system Jesus came to tear down, while claiming to be serving the King of kings. Look at today's Bible colleges, Universities, and Seminary curriculum and you will be hard pressed to find a curriculum on the Kingdom of God with any real substance to it. Read the Nicean Creed and Apostles Creed as adopted by most Church organizations today. Read the 95 Thesis of Martin Luther or the findings of John Knox or John Calvin or Wesley and well, there is an absence of the emphasis Jesus placed on the Kingdom as His own central message and mission.
We were instructed by Paul not to be ignorant of satan's devices and somehow forgot that he (satan) is the father of lies and there is no truth in him and that he is able to make himself appear to be as an angel of light and his angels to be as ministers of righteousness and if it were possible, be able to deceive the very elect as he takes many captive at [his] own will.
So I believe that there is only one Church, while Jesus addressed 7 in Revelations and we must work to be that one Church for which Jesus is professed to be the head and I dare say, He's not divided and therefore I do believe that we must seek the truth and not even become comfortable in what we call ourselves believing unless we compare scripture with scripture and not just the scriptures that prove our already held perspective of truth.
Lastly, I believe there are those who unknowing to themselves only want to win philosophical and theological arguments under the guise of seeking to understand. This type will refute everything you or I have to say, particularly about the Kingdom of God without having first studied what has been said or only studying from so called "proof text" that only support the prevailing view they may already presently hold.
In 2013 let's you and I continue to be brothers/sisters who allow iron to sharpen iron as we seek to make God's Kingdom and righteousness our number one priority. It is what Jesus commanded of His followers according to Matthew 6:33 and we are honor bound to do the same according to Matthew 28:20. Until ALL is ALL things whatsoever He commanded, the Church is imprisoned to half truths and lies and the blind lead the blind and they both fall into a ditch.
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